Friday, July 15, 2011

Who put that circus mirror in my bathroom!?

I'm 36 years old.  And I look it.

Some days, I feel like Picasso and Reuben went on a bender together, and my body was the result. I have never been thin by any means.  Don't misunderstand me, some of my best friends are skinny.  My bones freeze dried and ground up into a powder weigh more than most of them.  It's just difficult looking at yourself and realizing that if it weren't for the kevlar reinforcements, certain body parts wouldn't maintain proper alignment.  I mean, is this what the grenade looks like AFTER you pull the pin?

That reflection is not the one that I like to see when I look in the mirror.  I stand there criticizing this woman that snuck into my house...and then a song comes on the radio and she starts dancing.  So do I....We're tearin' up the tiles, I'm laughing at my likeness.   The song ends and I look at her again, smiling now.  I've already forgotten my previous grievances. This chick in the mirror is actually pretty cool.  She can stay.  In fact, I rather like having her around.  

Everything in life really is about perspective.  It's not what you see, it's how you see it.  

Maybe next time she'll see to bringing me some cotton candy.


  1. What an amazing blog! I smiled through about half the first page and was nearly in tears toward the end. I get ya, girl. I hear it all. You ARE truly amazing and I only wish I might have known you a little better years ago. I'll make sure to climb in the short bus from time to time whilst I rumble away on my own journey. I'm subscribing to your blog because DANG you can write!!! Lemme know when you've written a book, I know all the places to promote it!

  2. Ja... der kann einen Schnauz darauf zeichenen...aber man ist immer noch der selbe der reinschaut... lass dir mal einen lieben gruss aus der Schweiz da...Sash... hab dich...hihi..du weisst es schon gesehen..
