Monday, October 3, 2011

Hostage negotiations.

After acquiring my license this summer, I was given the opportunity to interview for a full time job, and got it.  

I work in a professional environment. Always considered a gregarious person, my entire existence consisted of shock and awe tactics deployed at the most inopportune times. The quiet, low key setting of the office presented itself as a challenge. I would have great ideas for jokes, but I couldn't let them out, so the actual words would bang themselves against the inside of my skull, trying to escape. Then there's my filter, or lack thereof.  When it's on the fritz, I worry that I'm going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person.  (It's been known to happen...I know you're all saying "What? You? Never!")

I was still training in my new position, and on this particular day, it seemed everything I touched turned into a soup sandwich. It was a mess. I couldn't focus. Everyone wondered where I was, and who this imposter was in my stead. 4:55 finally came along, and I slid into the bathroom for a quick trip before heading home. 

I went about my business, and then over to the sink to wash my hands. As I was standing in the mirror feeling sorry for myself, I heard the other stall door open. My co-worker, Sarah, took one look at the back of me, and said "GIRL!!!! PULL that dress down!" Apparently my panties were holding my dress hostage, and if she hadn't come along to handle negotiations, I might've had a real shake down. I thanked her, slightly embarrassed, and we laughed til we had tears running down our cheeks. 

My bad day was a mere memory at that point. It's amazing how the simplest thing can completely change your mood.  It was just what I'd needed. 

That, and the realization that there's more than one way to show my ass at work.

1 comment:

  1. I should not have read this woman. At least not with a huge mouth full of coffee...LMAO
